A regular monthly gift is an incredible way to help ReachOut ensure that nobody has to face a mental health issue alone.
A regular monthly gift is an extraordinary way to ensure young people don't have to face mental health issues alone.
For more than 20 years, ReachOut has been helping young people and their families access support as they experience mental health challenges. Now more than ever, the demand for our services is growing.
We provide immediate relief alongside the skills and resilience needed to deal with future challenges. Mental health is not linear. There will be setbacks and challenges along the way.
Your monthly ongoing donation will help make sure that no-one has to go it alone with our free online services that are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, Australia wide.
If you need to make changes to your existing regular gift, it’s as simple as giving us a call on 02 8029 7777 or sending an email to supporters@reachout.com with your request. You can also read our Donation FAQs for more information.
Why regular giving is so important
‘I thought I was alone. So, so alone, like I was the only person who had to deal with this, and now I know that was, and is, far from the truth. But for those who don’t know about ReachOut.com, there are many young people who have not realised this yet.’ – Daniel, 22
Our supporters help us to provide ReachOut.com, a free online mental health service that is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week, right across Australia.
The value of such a service is evident in the many messages we receive – some like the above, from Daniel who grew up in a rural area.
Right now, 40% of young people in Australia are living with a mental health difficulty. But there’s an even bigger problem: 7 in 10 of those who need help don’t get it. There are many reasons why:
- They might be ashamed, or afraid of what others think.
- There may not be any appropriate services close to them.
- They don’t know where to start.
- They don’t believe anything can help.
- They don’t realise that what they’re feeling could be a diagnosable illness.
Thanks to your ongoing donation you can help provide young people with access to online resources to help them through tough times. For as little as $20 a month, you will have an impact on the mental health of thousands of young people in Australia. You will also join a community of people who understand that looking after your mental health is just as important as caring for your physical health.

Your monthly gift in action
By giving regular monthly donations, you contribute directly to our life-saving service and help us to plan ahead with confidence in our overall vision, for better mental health and wellbeing for all young people. By committing to a regular monthly gift, you help to:
- ensure that ReachOut is a safe place that young people can go to get answers and help for their mental health for free, at any time and regardless of where they live
- support the research and evaluation that gives us the information we need to run programs and activities that will engage young people, especially those who are reluctant to use traditional services and are at greatest risk
- support our work with schools, teachers, and professionals such as counsellors, GPs and social workers who may not have a background in mental health and need some additional help and resources
- keep us committed to our promise to include young people in all that we do
- advocate for e-mental health services as a key way to help young people.
Your monthly gift in action
How regular giving works
Each month on or around the 17th, your chosen amount is automatically debited from your credit card or bank account. You can increase, decrease or cancel your monthly donation at any time. All donations over $2 are tax-deductible and at the end of the financial year, we’ll send you a statement to assist with your tax return.
What your gift does
Your regular gift helps to save lives and improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people across Australia each and every day. Your ongoing support ensures that when young people seek help online, they’ll find ReachOut.com to support them through tough times.
Our commitment to you
When you become a regular monthly giver, we commit to sharing regular updates with you about the impact your support is creating, including stories from young people that you’ve helped, as well as research findings and new initiatives or programs that we have launched.
How regular giving works
Each month on or around the 17th, your chosen amount is automatically debited from your credit card or bank account. You can increase, decrease or cancel your monthly donation at any time. Donations over $2 are tax-deductible. At the end of the financial year, you’ll receive a statement to assist you with your tax return. If you need to put a hold on or to cancel your gift, it’s as simple as giving us a call on 02 8029 7777 or sending an email to supporters@reachout.com with your details.
What your gift does
Put simply, your regular gift helps to save lives and improve the mental health and wellbeing of young people every day of the year. Your ongoing support ensures that when young people go online looking for answers or for a connection with others, they’ll find ReachOut.com and an easy first step to getting the help they need to get through the tough times.
Our commitment to you
When you become a regular monthly giver, we commit to sharing regularly with you the impact your support is having, including stories from young people that you have helped, information about new initiatives or programs that we will launch, and our research findings.
Contact Us
If you have an existing regular gift that you wish to make changes to, or if you have any enquiries regarding your gift, please contact us:
02 8029 7777 (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm)
ReachOut Australia
PO Box 597
Pyrmont NSW 2009