We Care about:
- what we do
- the way we do it
- how we show up everyday for each other and ourselves
- enabling a safe space for all

We exemplify Inclusivity by:
- celebrating diversity as a strength
- honouring lived and living experience
- consulting authentically and with purpose
- respecting the knowledge and expertise of others

We exercise Curiosity by:
- embracing new ideas and better ways of doing things
- experimenting to find the best way
- seeking to understand
- continually cultivating learning along the way

We endorse Integrity by:
- doing what we say we'll do
- being clear and transparent about decisions
- making it safe to respectfully call each other out
- owning our wins, our losses and everything in between

We embrace Fun by:
- celebrating our achievements and lessons learned
- being playful and light when it feels right
- prioritising time to connect
- knowing when to not take ourselves too seriously