Helping young people feel better

More than 50% of young people turn to the internet for help when going through a tough time. So, we’ve created a place where young people can safely and openly express themselves. Where they can build a better understanding and perspective about what’s happening in their lives, connect with people who will provide support without judgement, and build the resilience to manage their challenges now and in the future.

From one-to-one peer support, to moderated online communities, as well as tips, stories and resources, ReachOut offers a wide range of support options that allow young people to engage in the ways they want to, when they want to.

And because we know that we’re not alone in our ambition to help young people feel better, we support their supporters – parents and carers and schools – with valuable information, resources and advice to help them better understand the young people in their lives and to actively play a role in their wellbeing.

Young people are at the centre of everything we do.

We were established in response to the tragic loss of a teenage life. Our founders knew that more needed to be done to help young people struggling with their mental health to access support. Since then, we have helped millions of young people on their journey to feeling better.

We continue to evolve our service so current and future generations of young people have access to more of the support they need, in a way that is accessible to them, and helps them to feel better about themselves.

Today, we are part of a dynamic mental health system that has grown in response to the challenges that people of all ages are experiencing. What makes us unique is our understanding of young people and our expertise in delivering a compelling, relevant digital service experience in the online world they know so well.

Innovation and co-design with young people are part of our DNA.

Our service is developed in partnership with young people. We have long recognised the power of a young person sharing their lived-experience in the hope it will help others. Together we are continuing to co-design services that young people tell us they want and need.

Young people are active contributors to our research and evaluation. This helps us build our understanding of the services that are having the greatest outcomes and impact. Young people tell us how we have helped to change their lives and what we can do better. They inspire us as we evolve our future service.

From our early years as an online support network for young people, ReachOut is now at a pivotal growth stage. Our emerging service design will include personalisation and tailored content that reflects the critical life moments that can impact mental health.

Measurable impact

By supporting young people through these times and in their online world, we provide immediate relief and the skills and resilience to deal with future challenges. Mental health is not linear. There will be setbacks and challenges along the way.

Our impact data shows that ReachOut is a circuit breaker to the mental health spiral young people can experience in tough times. After using ReachOut, young people… feel calmer, less stressed, less worried and are more likely to seek help.

This tells us that our digital service is working and that with sustained investment we can continue to help prevent young people from suffering long-term mental health challenges.