
Media Release: A bold new plan for

03 Dec 2013

Strategic Plan by Inspire Foundation_Web4

Today’s launch of a 3-year Strategic Plan heralds a new era for the organisation behind Australia’s leading youth mental health service


The Strategic Plan 2014-2017 features a challenge to significantly increase the number of young people getting help from over the next 3 years. In addition, the plan includes a commitment to develop the next generation of the service that will seamlessly integrate delivery of complementary mental health services for young people.

“More than ever before, we want young people at the centre of mental health service delivery in Australia” says Jono Nicholas, CEO of by Inspire Foundation.

“ acts as a gateway to youth mental health services in Australia with 1.4M unique visitors[1] each year” Jono continues.  “It’s incumbent on us to make sure our service integrates with our mental health sector partners and we continue to lead co-ordination of the way online mental health services are delivered for all young Australians”.


To achieve the bold target set out in the plan of 3M unique visitors per year to by 2017, the organisation has elevated the role of the service in its name, evolving to become by Inspire Foundation.

“We’re very proud of our heritage and achievements as Inspire Foundation” Jono explains. “In order to reach the maximum amount of young people in need, we need to be focused in our communication to ensure we’re reinforcing our message at every step, that is there for young people in tough times”.


The evolution to become by Inspire Foundation coincides with the appointment of a new Chair of the Board in Julie White. The current CEO of Chief Executive Women and former Global Head of the Macquarie Group Foundation, Julie is one of Australia’s leading experts in corporate philanthropy and social investment.


“This is a very exciting time in the development of our organisation” Julie White says. “This Strategic Plan provides us all with a significant challenge; to accelerate the pioneering spirit that has characterised the work we’ve been doing for the last 15 years”.


“The growth in availability of high-speed broadband provides enormous benefits for online service delivery. by Inspire Foundation will build on our legacy of using the enabling power of technology to deliver the best possible outcomes for the mental health of all young people”.
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Media contacts

Mick Garnett
Director of Marketing and Communications
0499 977 123
Doug Millen
Marketing & Communications Coordinator
0425 865 851

[1] 2012 Annual unique visitors to - Google Analytics