Vero Wong Kai In


I'm swimming the English Channel in June 2025 for mental health

When I broke my ankle in 2019 and was told that swimming would help with my rehabilitation, I never could have imagined that 6 years later I would be swimming the English Channel. 

But here I am, with 6 months before the big day in June 2025. I’ve been training for over a year with the help of my coaches, my swim team, and the support of my friends and family. 

And while swimming the English Channel would be challenge enough, I’ve set myself the goal to raise money for a cause that is very close to my heart: mental health. 

I’ve struggled with my mental health for over a decade, and swimming has been life changing, it’s given me a sense of purpose, a safe space to feel vulnerable, a space to meditate, a space to grow, a space to challenge myself mentally and physically. 

Having lost two very close people to me in quick succession back in September 2024, my own mental health took a dive, but every time I hit the pool, I was reminded that while it’s ok to take some time for yourself, it’s equally important to stimulate your mind so that you don’t get lost in the sadness. 

To raise awareness for mental health, I’ve been partnering up with ReachOut through Lapsforlife for the last 3 years. I’ve raised over $2,700 to date, and so in the year of the biggest swim of my life, I’d like to raise $10,000 for this cause. 

I hope you’ll support me by following along and donating to my fundraiser. 

I’ll be posting regular updates here and on my Swimming Instagram Account: @veroswims 



My Updates

So, I'm swimming the English Channel....

Thursday 9th Jan

The English Channel is known in the swimming world as the Mount Everest of swimming. 

But did you know, that you're more likely to know someone who has climbed Mount Everest than someone who has swum the English Channel? 

The English Channel is 34km at its narrowest section between Dover (UK) and Calais (France). 

Because of the strong crosscurrents, I'll end up swimming closer to 40km, and my crossing will most likely look like one of the S-shaped curves in the photo. If you were curious, swimming 34km is the equivalent of swimming 700 laps of a 50-meter pool… In one go. 

The temperature in the Channel is expected to be around 15º celsius and I will not be allowed to wear a wetsuit (for reference a pool usually sits at 25-27º celsius).

I will have a boat and pilot to navigate me across the channel, I’ll have three people onboard as part of my support crew. They’ll help feed me liquids (carb drinks, caffeine, Panadol, flat red bull etc) every 20-30 minutes, they’ll also monitor my alertness, fatigue, and pace. 

Now you may be wondering if I can rest or get out to use the toilet, well the answer to both of those is no. Once I start swimming, I am not allowed to touch the boat, meaning that if I need to go in the ocean, well, I need to go in the ocean. While I can rest by floating on my back, the currents are so strong that they can pull me off course in a matter of seconds. Therefore, my best bet is to just keep swimming. 

The window for my crossing is from the 16-22 June 2025 and there is every chance that I might swim through the night, through jellyfish, through the cold, and of course across the busiest shipping container channel. 

So how long will it take me? Well, it all depends on the conditions, but I'm hoping to swim it 13-16 hours straight! But I'll take whatever time.



But what does training for the English Channel look like?

Wednesday 8th Jan

Training for the English Channel is no easy feat. I have been training for over a year, but some swimmers will train for years before ever attempting to cross the Channel. 

I swim 5 days a week (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday). During the week, I swim 1h30-2h before heading to work. I will swim between 3-5km per session. Then on a Saturday I will swim between 3-8hrs. In an average week, I might swim around 25-35km. Which means when Sunday rolls around, I’ve really earned that morning in bed. 

But swimming alone isn’t enough, recovery is also extremely important, I spend about 20minutes stretching everyday and I also make sure I get enough sleep. You may be wondering what time I go to bed if I somehow manage to swim before work, and the answer is that I’m asleep by 9pm and awake at 4:30am most days of the week. 

I know, I know, you’re now starting to think I must be crazy, but that’s why I also have regular appointments with a nutritionist, a physiotherapist, my swim coach, and my psychologist. 

Each person plays a critical role in ensuring that I am not only physically but mentally prepared for the swim. 

For me, the biggest challenge isn’t physical, but mental. You could be the fittest person in the world, but if every part of your body is screaming at you in pain, the only thing that will keep you going is your mind. And this is yet another reason why Mental Health is such an important part of the journey, and why I want to raise money to help others. 

Have a question you’d like me to cover? Please let me know! 

Vero x

Thank you to my Sponsors


Matthew Irwin


Migyur Samkhar


Graham Bresnahan

Vero, you are the real Wonder Woman!


Newage Recruitment

Good Luck! Such a Proud Moment for the Whole of Australia.


Scarlett Gaffey (from Cruiz)

Go Vero!!! Keep up the training :)))


S Lim

All the best, Vero. What an amazing and magnificent personal challenge!


Jess Nguyen

I don't know if you can still see the long heart-felt msg I typed up. So in summary you inspire me and I'd do the AAWT again just to not swim the English Channel even with a year's prep. Keep going you awesome dolphin creature on land. Love ya!


Vero Wong

To kick start my fundraiser


Tom Lawson

Super proud of you vero <3


Louis Wong Kai In

So proud of you


Emma Shaw


Michael Davidson

You are a legend.



Go Vero! Rule the waves and rule Britannia! Faor winds and nice tides :)


Channelle Fitzgerald

Legend xx


Cathy Arley

Swim strong, stay safe


Madeleine Hickey

I can't imagine swimming for 13 hours - you're a wonder!


Esther Yang

I am inspired by you Vero! Keep it up.



Good luck, stay safe!



Congrats Vero and good luck! You're gonna smash it!!


Tom Dowling

Hey Vero This is a fantastic challenge and very worthwhile cause. We'll be watching it all the way. Wishing you all the best. Tom



"Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming..."


Lizzie Dodd

You’re an absolute inspiration Vero! A mammoth effort for such an important cause!


Nikki Monks

Yes Vero! You're incredible!


Sam Callinan

Good luck Vero! You've got this.


Richard Pery

I'm so awed by the challenge you've set yourself, Vero! Truly inspiring stuff to follow a dream like this, whatever comes of it. Best of luck!


Andrew Jackson

Wow! This is amazing!


Anna Marzano

Best Wishes Vero. What a wonderful cause. You are amazing!


Julie D

You go, girl!


Isabelle Boisseau


Andrew Hutt

The Mount Everest of swimming. Wow, what a goal for a very important cause. Best I grab your autograph now :) because with your discipline, training regime and determination, you'll make it. I wish you the very best Vero.


Ben Hockin

Legend - good luck!


Denis Cairney

Good luck!


Trieu Pham

Let's go Vero! So proud of you xx


Spencer Crome

This is amazing Vero - all the best!


Euan M

You’re a star


Siobhan H

Rooting for you Vero! XX


Mel L

GO GIRL! Such a worthy cause. Your dedication is truly inspiring. You should be so proud of your accomplishment to date and we all can't wait to see you achieve your dream.







Go for it Vero!


Liam Cash

You got this Vero!


Jane Dowd

Good luck Vero, this is such a big achievement and important cause! You are incredible.




Ellen Thompson

Amazing Vero!


David Jory

Good on you, Vero