Camden Webb

GPT StepOut for ReachOut

My Activity Tracking


My target 300000 Steps

I'm fundraising for...

I'm walking 10,000 steps every day through GPT's StepOut for ReachOut to support youth mental health and help prevent youth suicide.

My Updates

Almost half way there

Thursday 12th Sep
Mostly averaging over 10K per day. Was a bit sick on Sunday so wasn't able to get the ten thousand. Not to worry though, I'll make those additional 8k steps up throughout the rest of the month

Day One, Done!

Monday 2nd Sep
First day of September done and dusted. 10K goal for the day achieve.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Tim Jones

Well done Camden


Matched By Gpt Foundation


Travis Noonan


Matched By Gpt Foundation


Gpt Acts Of Kindness


Matt Johnson

Great work Camden



Great cause, step well and often Camden!


Matched By Gpt Foundation