Thank you to our Sponsors

Innotec Security

Hunter Mason
A great cause, well done.

Kennett Building Co (kbc)
A Great Cause, Well done Cam and GPT Team.

The Vertimax Team
Hi Cameron. Just head up to the BMU'S each day and I am sure you will reach the number of steps. LOL Good luck with it. Regards The Vertimax team.

Good deeds mustn't go unpunished. Great cause and smash that goal.

Thnk you for supporting a good cause.

Nsg Maintenance
Go Cam !! from the NSG Maintenance Team

Nsg Maintenance
Go Maria !! from the NSG Maintenance Team

Tj Consulting Engineers
Great cause, I have a 14 year old daughter so full understand that youth mental health need more attention than when we are young.

Maxwell Cameron
Such a worthwhile cause

Emma Marchetti
Great cause Cam !

Construction Electrical Services.
Great Work Cameron. Great Cause.

Matched By Gpt Foundation

Shane O'brien
Nice work Cam!!

Matched By Gpt Foundation

Scott Keady B-safe
Proud to support a great cause. Well done GPT team! B-Safe

Matched By Gpt Foundation

Gpt Acts Of Kindness

Sharleen Bysterveld

Katherine Noden

Tyrone Sheehan

Tyrone Sheehan

Tyrone Sheehan
Update that $ target Captain Sharleen.... Believe!!!

Michael Zerafa
This boots were made for walking, keep walking, towards your goal.
Good luck mate, a great cause