
We think you're amazing!

15 Apr 2012
Every day, we let thousands of young people know that they can feel better, that help is out there and that they don't have to face their problems alone.

Inspire's work is made possible by a generous community of partners, corporate supporters and community fundraisers who share our dream of helping young people to lead happier lives.

Here are two of the amazing groups who have raised money and awareness for Inspire in the last month. Thank you!

350 architects and designers stepped away from their computers and put on their gold-sequinned head-bands for the 80s-themed Dance For Life. This fun dance competition raised over $32,500 for Inspire.

In a very different sort of fundraiser, 25 motorcyclists from the Investment and Financial Services Industries cruised 2000 kms in the 13th Annual Corners4Kids rally. Over the last 13 years, Corners4Kids has raised over $600,000 for Inspire.