
There's life after Year 12 Exams

02 Dec 2014
For those of us who have passed through this tough process, we know that there’s life after. However, for the young people in the midst of these exams, life can be a real struggle as they navigate the pressure from outside and within.

Over 16 years, has provided 24/7 support for young Australians across a range of life’s challenges. We know from our experience what a significant time this is  for young people and how important it is to reach out to them right now.

Last week we launched a campaign designed to do just that, with over 50 prominent Australians recording their messages of support The messages have been shared with great enthusiasm across mainstream media, blogs and social media, demonstrating that wonderful Australian quality of reaching out to people when they need it most.

Our Patron and recently retired Governor of NSW Dame Marie Bashir has sent a message also, reflecting on her Year 12 exams and encouraging young people to take “a few deep breaths”. We hope that these words and those of so many more Australians help all the young people do their best over the next month, keeping in mind that whilst the exams are important, there’s definitely life after.

Jono Nicholas