A message from our CEO
I would like to announce that Jack Heath, founder of Inspire, has been appointed Executive Director of SANE. On behalf of all our directors and staff, I’d like to congratulate Jack on his appointment. I am delighted he is continuing in his commitment to improving the mental health and well being of all Australians through his new role.
Jack’s vision to use technology to reach young people across Australia continues to grow through the work of Inspire and ReachOut.com. While Jack will step down as a Director he has accepted our invitation to become a patron of Inspire.
Jack built an incredible network of organisations and played a direct role in helping many millions of young people lead happier lives - a legacy few can match. I am incredibly excited that Jack will continue in the mental health sector and we have the opportunity to work together in a different way.
In his message to the board Jack said, “It is also a source of much joy and pride to me that Inspire powers along grounded in a strong culture which has young people front and centre but also with such an increased standing within the sector. In my new role, I plan to work closely with Inspire with a goal to ensuring that Australia leads the world in mental health research, programs and outcomes.”
I know you will join me in wishing Jack all the best in his new and exciting role.