On their bikes for charity
 "Cyclists will raise funds for local charities as part of this year’s Goulburn to Sydney Cycle Classic on September 17 and 18."
Read full article here.
Technology ‘vaccine’ for mental health help
"Technology could be the 21st century vaccine for suicide, depression, eating disorders and substance abuse, according to the head of a new research centre that will investigate how internet and smartphone applications can be used to improve the mental health of young people."
Read full article here.
HEALTH TODAY - To help talk
1. Take the lead, show initiative and ask: “Are you OK?”
Put out the invitation and say you’ve got time to talk. Sit in a relaxed position as positive body language will help you both feel more comfortable. Often just spending time with the person lets them know you care and can help you understand what they’re going through.
Read full article here.