
iBook launch continues pioneering spirit

05 Dec 2013

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Today's launch of a great new iBook 'My Wellbeing, My Classroom' is another milestone for by Inspire Foundation, the organisation that launched the world's first online mental health service.


"This is the first educational iBook, specifically on mental health, that links directly to the Australian Curriculum" says Sarah Jackson, Senior Manager Schools with by Inspire Foundation. "It's a very practical classroom resource that will help teachers improve the mental wellbeing of students in their care".


'My Wellbeing, My Classroom' guides teachers through the application of Martin Seligman's Positive Psychology approach to mental health. An internationally renowned psychologist and educator, Seligman's PERMA theory includes 5 essential elements to wellbeing; Positive Emotions, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning and Achievement.


"Our genesis as an organisation was using the power of technology to reach and improve the mental health of young people" Sarah Jackson continues. "This free iBook is an interactive new way we can equip teachers with the tools to continue that work".

This resource was produced in conjunction with Maria Ruberto from Salutegenics Psychology.

